About me

Photo nomad/literary dilettante.

To tell about me in physical, geographical and chronological terms is easy. The more numinous thing a bit more complicated.

I was born in Argentina to German immigrants around the middle of the last century. Highschool there, an attempt at tertiary studies of journalism in Buenos Aires. An eventual scholarship for a four-year stint at a seminary in Germany. A brief tenure as a "man of the cloth" back in Argentina. A resolve to emigrate and come to Canada to work in a completely alien field of my preparation... in a factory making structural components for aircrafts. In Canada finally completing the ambition of journalism studies. Graduation. More work. And all this time being enthralled by the magic of the B+W abstraction of photography. Read copiously and followed the most respectable exponents of the medium. All the while perusing in books of all sorts in search of those gems buried in them that could shed some insight into my quest of meaning.

Music was once my love, then poetry and literature. Then art. I needed to explore and find out by myself if photography qualifies. My photos are a testimony of this effort. But perhaps my heart is irremediably captured by philosophy. And so I scribble... I jot down the errand thoughts. I was once fluid in Spanish with its wonderful sonority and German with its unparalleled power. And so I come to live with English, a most capricious instrument but just as effective. Listened lately the enchanting Haydn's Serenade for Strings (Op. 3 No 5)? Let's sojourn together here.

What I DO



I take and make photos. I used to develop film and print with an enlarger in B+W. I now work with digital technology. My film photos are digitized. I try to be true to the photo culture of years past.


I read and peruse authors who I find appealing, usually those already established in the literary tradition. Mainly "non-fiction." My favourite genre are the personal or literary essay and the aphorism.


Scribe's craft

Wrote poetry when young (Spanish). These days I write down what thoughts emerge during the execution of other menial tasks or during a walk. On occasion I sit at my desk and compose a page. Mostly I ponder. You may have to click here and there in the blog-journal section to find and discover things. Please do!
